Home:ALL Converter>How to change default "migrations" table schema on postgreSQL Laravel

How to change default "migrations" table schema on postgreSQL Laravel

Ask Time:2022-09-30T11:17:03         Author:Aditya Rizqi

Json Formatter

I want to ask about laravel default schemas. the first time we create a laravel project by default laravel will create us some tables like users, failed_jobs etc. what I want to ask is that the "migrations" table defaults to the public schema in postgreSQL which is different from users, failed_jobs which we can change the schema via php code, but I can't find the migration file for the "migrations" table. so I can't change the schema.

maybe someone can help with this problem? thank you

Author:Aditya Rizqi,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73903668/how-to-change-default-migrations-table-schema-on-postgresql-laravel